Veteran Film Director Aparna Sen has been honoured with the 'Satyajit Ray Lifetime Achievement Award' at the annual award ceremony of West Bengal Film Journalists Association, for her contribution to Indian Cinema.

Sen expressed her gratitude while accepting the award and praised contemporary filmmakers saying, "I thank the organisers for conferring this honour to me. I have a great respect and faith in contemporary filmmakers in Bengal like Srijit Mukherji, Atanu Ghosh and many others. Let us carry this rich legacy of Bengali cinema further"

The film 'Manik Babur Megh' won the Best Bengali Film, while the actor Chandan Sen received the Best Actor for his role in the film. Srijit Mukherji and Debaloy Bhattacharya jointly won Best Director for 'Badami Haynar Kabale' and 'Padatik'.

Srijit Mukherji’s 'Oti Uttam' earned Special Recognition for its Technical Innovation. Mukherjee shared while accepting the award, that Padatik is very close to my heart. It is my tribute to auteur Mrinal Sen. 'Oti Uttam' has been my labour of love. I watched all films of the matinee idol multiple times and reached out to the producers to study and scan the footage and frames for each computer-generated shot involving the idol. His voice was replicated through AI. The result was liked by most viewers. Thank you WBFJA for honouring my works.'