Director Boney Kapoor says Allu Arjun was unnecessarily dragged into the stampede case Filmmaker Boney Kapoor supports Allu Arjun, saying he was unnecessarily dragged into the Sandhya theatre stampede case, as the death of the fan at the Premier of Pushpa 2 was only due to the large crowds gathered there.

Boney Kapoor stated that since the ticket rates are inflated on the first two days or at least the first day for extra shows. That is the reason for the situation to have created the hype leading to the gathering of the crowds. He further stated that Allu Arjun was unnecessarily dragged and blamed for the death of a fan. It was only because of the crowd that had gathered to see the film.

It was on the eve of the release of Pushpa 2 on December 4, a special show of the film was kept for the fans at Hyderabad's Sandhya Theatre. Allu Arjun, along with his co-star Rashmika Mandanna and wife Sneha Reddy, reached the venue to greet his fans. As per the Police, due to the star's presence, the crowd gathered at the theatre, leading to a stampede, which caused the death of a woman fan.

The state government claims that Allu Arjun appeared at the theatre without permission and refused to leave after being told of the uncontrollable situation, although Arjun has denied the allegations. The actor was arrested last month on the charges of culpable homicide among other things. He was granted interim bail by Telangana High Court, the following day, while the case is currently under investigation.