One of television's most beloved and well-known reality shows is The Kapil Sharma Show. Additionally, the show is doing well in terms of TRP ratings and has consistently ranked among the top 20 shows. Fans adore watching Kapil, Krushna, and Bharti, who are regarded as the television industry's comedy kings and queens. However, Krushna and Bharti were unable to appear on the show this season, and viewers have expressed a desire to see them again. Emraan Hashmi and Akshay Kumar will appear on the show, according to sources, to promote their forthcoming movie "Selfiee."

They will have a great time with the show's host, cast, and crew. You won't be able to stop laughing during this entertaining episode. Emraan will be appearing on the show for the first time, whereas Akshay Kumar will be appearing for the second time this season. Every episode that features Akshay Kumar is always entertaining to watch.