Bollywood star Emraan Hashmi says that he has wrapped up the shooting of his upcoming film 'Ground Zero'. The film, which is a military thriller, is directed by Tejas Vijay Deoskar, who is known for Marathi films like 'Ajinkya' and 'Bucket List'. Hashmi took to Twitter and posted several photos with the team of 'Ground Zero' from the movie's set."#Groundzero wrapped!!" 

Deoskar also shared the news on his Instagram Stories and penned a note, recalling his experience of working with Hashmi. "It was an absolute pleasure working with you. We started, we worked hard and today, we finished on a high. Now, only upwards and onwards!" he wrote. Emraan Hashmi's upcoming projects also include 'Tiger 3' with Salman Khan and 'Selfiee', co-starring Akshay Kumar.