The Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai completed its 25 years on Tuesday, Bollywood star Hrithik Roshan took a trip down memory lane sharing his preparation notes for his first film as a male lead.

Hrithik who turned 51 on 10th January, shared several pages from a diary that he started maintaining 27 years ago to prepare for the movie. Directed by his father Rakesh Roshan, the film also starred Ameesha Patel who made her debut along with Hrithik in the movie which was released on January 14, 2000.

Hrithik wrote in a post "My notes from 27 years ago. Prepping as an ACTOR for my first movie 'Kaho Na Pyaar Hai'. I remember how nervous I was. Still am when starting a movie. I’d be embarrassed sharing these, but after 25 years of being in the industry, I guess I can handle it.