The audience is enthralled by the dramatic and intriguing plots of the Zee Punjabi show Geet Dholi. Currently, Simone and Bhairavi are plotting devastating schemes to have Geet killed, which makes the show’s narrative change dramatically and suspensefully.

Currently in the show, Geet is trying to put everything right, but with each step she takes, a terrible tragedy is getting closer. Amid the grand celebration of the wedding, the Mehra family is unaware of the deadly grief as Geet will suddenly disappear. The goons sent by Simone and Bhairvi successfully kidnap Geet and made her disappear within the premises of the Mehra house. Amidst all this, no one in the Mehra family knows that while they are looking for Geet, they are yet to discover the shocking encounter with her.

Is this the sad end of Geet? What is going to happen to Geet in the recent plot? To know what's written in Geet's fate next, watch the dramatic episode of Geet Dholi at 8 p.m. only on Zee Punjabi.