Kareena Kapoor Khan and her sister, Karisma Kapoor, visited Saif Ali Khan at Lilavati Hospital after the shocking incident where he was stabbed during a robbery attempt at their Bandra residence. Saif underwent emergency surgery to address injuries, including one near the spine, and is currently stable and recovering under medical supervision.

Several family members and close friends, including Saif's children Sara Ali Khan and Ibrahim Ali Khan, also visited him. Kareena arrived under police security and avoided media attention. The incident has raised significant concerns about security in the area, prompting calls for better safety measures

Doctors confirmed that Saif is stable and out of danger, and he is currently recovering under medical supervision. The Mumbai Police are investigating the incident and suspect the involvement of an insider, as there were no signs of forced entry. 

The rest of the family, including Kareena Kapoor Khan, is safe. The police have registered an FIR and are investigating the case. A statement from Saif's team requested privacy while thanking fans for their concern.