It is a huge shock for the Indian film fraternity to hear the news of Ram Teri Ganga Maili actor Rajiv Kapoor’s demise. The 58 year old actor filmmaker breathed his last on Tuesday. One of the first to offer their condolences was singer Lata Mangeshkar on social media, she wrote, “Mujhe abhi pata chala ki Raj Kapoor sahab ke chote bete, guni abhineta Rajiv Kapoor ka aaj swargwas hua. Sunke mujhe bahut dukh hua.Ishwar unki aatma ko shanti pradan kare yehi meri prarthana.”

Late Rishi Kapoor’s wife Neetu Kapoor, Rajiv’s sister in law confirmed the news of his demise on social media writing, “RIP”. He directed the former in his directorial debut Prem Granth also starring Madhuri Dixit. Rajiv was to make his Bollywood comeback after 28 years in Ashutosh Gowariker’s ‘Toolsidas Junior’ starring Sanjay Dutt.