When Dangal actress Fatima Sana Shaikh, Diljit Dosanjh and Manoj Bajpayee came together in their first ever collaboration in a film fans couldn’t contain their excitement. Now there is news that the latter will be playing the role of a wedding detective in the Abhishek Sharma directorial. The job of such a detective is to do a through background check on the prospective groom to make sure he does not have any vices, is financially sound and is not already married. This also includes snooping on the bride-to-be from the groom’s side as well.


Suraj Pe Mangal Bhari will be set in the 1990’s Mumbai and a set of chawls was created at filmcity to give it a more authentic feel. The film also stars Bala actress Seema Pahwa. The filming has been completed and the post-production of the film will begin shortly.