Fashion designer Masaba Gupta, who made her acting debut with the streaming series Masaba Masaba, recently revealed that her mother, veteran actress Neena Gupta, had initially discouraged her from pursuing a career in acting. Masaba explained her mother’s reasoning, stating that in the past, the industry operated differently, and market dynamics would likely pigeonhole her as an actress.

In a conversation on Queenie Singh’s podcast BiEauty Banter, Masaba shared, “She didn’t allow me to become an actor. I remember wanting to study acting at Anupam Kher’s acting school in Mumbai, which shares a wall with SNDT College. But my mom said, ‘Don’t even think about it. You have a very artsy, international look that isn’t traditionally Indian, and the industry will put you in a box.’ The industry was very different back then.”

Masaba continued, “She told me I’d end up frustrated and advised me to pursue something that required more intellect and could last a lifetime. That’s when she suggested applying to SNDT. I went there, submitted my form, and luckily, my grades were good enough to get me in. I took the entrance exam a week later.”

Masaba also addressed the topic of nepotism, emphasizing that it exists in all professions, not just the film industry. She said, “Nepotism is everywhere. A lawyer’s son often becomes a lawyer, and a doctor’s son becomes a doctor, with their parents recommending them. This is how the world works—not just in India but globally. In Bollywood, it’s more visible because the industry is so public.”

She added, “Yes, sometimes opportunities are misplaced due to nepotism in Bollywood, but it’s a reality across all fields.”