Veteran actor of Malayalam cinema Mohanlal, who recently made his Directorial Debut with Barroz, shares his belief that Indian Cinema can compete with Hollywood to produce extraordinary films with outstanding actors and skilled technicians.

After having almost four decades of an acting career, the legendary actor referring to his Directorial Debut Barroz which he calls a milestone in his career, says that the film Barroz is a fairy tale about a ghost guarding Vasco da Gama's treasure for 400 years, waiting for its rightful heir.

He describes the film as a tribute to all the love, care, respect and support he has received over 44 years of his career and this film is his way of expressing gratitude towards them by creating something unique and unparalleled.

The actor encourages the Indian film industry to attempt new and bold ventures and ideas, incorporating unbelievable resources talented technicians and exceptional actors, that can help us make extraordinary films and compete with Hollywood.