The popular Television show ‘Kyun Rishton Mein Katti Batti’ has been entertaining audiences for t he longest time with its interesting storyline and performances. The story of the show revolves around the innocence of two adorable kids Rishi and Roli, who are trying their best to rekindle the love between their parents Kuldeep and Shubra, played by Siddhaanth Vir Surryavanshi and Neha Marda respectively. The show has now finally wrapped up its final shoot and will soon bid goodbye to viewers.


Meanwhile actress Neha Marda was reportedly not present for the last day of the show’s shoot and left for Patna expressing a personal emergency. Fans were shocked to learn this and are wondering if she will not be seen at all in the last episode. Viewers were beginning to pour in love for the show and all its characters especially the lead ones including that of Neha. Zee TV’s Kyun Rishton Mein Katti Batti, has barely completed 11 months and is soon going to go off air. Watch this space for more updates on the same.