Netflix India’s documentary series - The Hunt for Veerappan secured a win at the 2024 Asian Academy Creative Awards as a recognition of the Creative Excellence Across the Asia-Pacific Region, The Grand Awards ceremony held in Singapore brought together the best of Asia-Pacific’s creative industries, celebrating excellence across various categories.

First-time docu director Selvamani Selvaraj won the Best Direction (Non-Fiction) honour in the series produced by Apoorva Bakshi and Monisha Thyagarajan, founders of Awedacious Originals, and Kimberley Hassett. This recognition underscores the platform’s dedication to delivering thought-provoking and well-crafted narratives that leave a lasting impression.

The director of The Hunt for Veerappan Selvamani Selvaraj said in his award winning speech, "I am deeply humbled to receive this award at the Asian Academy Creative Awards.The Hunt for Veerappan is more than just a documentary. The series is an exploration of the complexities of human nature, the blurred lines between good and evil, and the lasting impact of one man's actions on a nation.

He adds, I'm grateful to have had the opportunity to delve into Veerappan's fascinating and tumultuous life, and to have worked with a talented team. Our partnership with Netflix and Awedacious Originals has been instrumental in bringing this important story to a global audience, and I'm grateful for their continued support.