The Global star Priyanka Chopra is extremely proud to join the Oscar-shortlisted short film Anuja as executive producer backed by Guneet Monga. The Film Anuja centers on the subject of child labour weaving a narrative around a nine-year-old girl Anuja, who works in a back-alley garment factory with her older sister Palak. The thought-provoking narrative takes you through the journey of the protagonist who faces a decision that impacts both her future and her family.

Priyanka Chopra said about her association in a statement, 'This beautiful film shines a spotlight on a subject that affects millions of children around the world, who are faced with the impossible decision between a future they cannot yet see and the immediate realities of their present.'

She adds, 'Anuja is a poignant, thought-provoking piece that makes us reflect deeply on the power of choices and how they shape the course of our lives. I am immensely proud to be associated with such a phenomenal and impactful project.'