Social media has already been abuzz about the upcoming Marathi film "Urmi," directed by Rajesh Jadhav and starring Sayali Sanjeev, Rasika Sunil, and Chinmay Udgirkar. A motion poster for the movie was recently released in time for Valentine's Day.

In the meantime, the motion poster for the movie was unveiled by Sayali Sanjeev, who is very active on social media. She did so via her Instagram account. She captioned the post as, "जीवनाच्या कोड्याचा उलगडत आहे नवा अर्थ.. 'उर्मी' १४ एप्रिल पासून जवळच्या चित्रपटगृहात!"

Additionally, important roles are played by Madhav Abhyankar and Nitish Chavan. The movie is scheduled to release on April 14, 2023.