Sidharth Malhotra was the showstopper at Tyaani Jewellery's Gilded Hour showcase at Ajio Luxe weekend. Curated by Anita Shroff, the event was powered by Karan Johar's creative vision, which complemented well, with Tyaani's exquisite jewellery collection.

The event saw Karan Johar and Siddharth Malhotra dazzling some of the contemporary fusion jewellery designs and bestowing timeless craftsmanship. Karan Johar walked the ramp, setting the tone of the evening right, dressed in an all-white ensemble, including a Satin Shirt and a hybrid trench blazer, adding his signature touch with a diamond necklace and an emerald Brooch.

Following him, adorning a Navi Blue Satin blazer with a statement pendant of Tyaani's iconic diamond necklace, Siddharth exuded royalty in contemporary styling as a show stopper, while the duo brought an air of charm walking the ramp together.