Known for his comic digital media content, Bhuvan Bam is all set to play lead in the upcoming comedy drama web series titled ‘Taaza Khabar’. The series is a Hotstar special and is directed by Himank Gaur. The series is currently under production and is written by writer duo Hussain and Abbas Dalal. It revolves around class based poverty and is focused on the life of a sanitation worker. 

Talking about the series Bhuvan said, “I feel grateful that I got to explore a completely new side to wishful thinking with my character in Taaza Khabar. It has been a humbling experience prepping for this character and his antics. As we begin shooting, I'm confident that emoting this character is going to be fun, I already relate to this character so much. To think that I get to play this comical yet emotional character in my very first association with Disney+ Hotstar feels very special.”

Director Himank said, “Receiving miraculous powers is a wish every human being harbours whenever faced with hardships. With 'Taaza Khabar' we relook at the idea of wishful thinking and the consequences it can have if and when granted. Bhuvan Bam brought to this realistic role his own personal flair that I am confident will win over viewers.”