Recently, the web series Farzi, released on the OTT platform Amazon Prime Video, is everywhere. This series of Bollywood superstar Shahid Kapoor and South cinema veteran Vijay Sethupathi has now become the first choice of people. Meanwhile, a new tweet has been seen in 'Farzi'. In which Vijay Sethupathi of 'Farzi' is seen asking For Help from Shrikant Tiwari (Manoj Bajpayee) of Prime Video's superhit web series 'The Family Man'. 

Amazon Prime Video shared a latest video on its official Instagram handle. This video is the latest promo of the 'Farzi' web series. In this promo, you can see that Michael i.e., South actor Vijay Sethupathi of the 'Farzi' web series is seen seeking help from Shrikant Tiwari or Manoj Bajpayee, the hero of Prime Video's popular web series 'The Family Man'. Michael is asking for this help to catch artist Sunny i.e., Shahid Kapoor, who printed fake notes in 'Farzi'. In the video, you can see that the conversation between Michael and Tiwari is quite fun, which you are really going to enjoy watching.

At the same time, after this video surfaced, everyone is speculating whether Shrikant Tiwari of 'The Family Man' is going to enter 'Farzi'. But let us tell you that this is just a new way of promoting the series from the makers of 'Farzi'.