Sangeet Manapman Actor -Director Subodh Bhave bats for releasing Marathi films in drama theatres, which have faced challenges in securing adequate screens in cinemas across Maharashtra, says the industry must find ways to address the issue.
Over the years majorly the Hindi and Hollywood titles only receive screens to showcase, but Marathi films always face screen shortage. Bhave said that Releasing Marathi films in drama theatres is one such solution to limited screens.
Bhave questions, 'For how many years we will keep saying, ‘We are not getting theatres. Why are we not looking at other options ourselves? We’ve started, like we released a few shows of my film, ‘Hashtag Tadev lingam’ in drama theatres.'
Subodh Bhave, showcased the advantages of releasing films in drama theatres, saying, 'Since only the plays are staged there and in the remaining time, we can show our Marathi films. Besides, the ticket rates will be as low as Rs. 100 to 150 so, hopefully, more people will watch them!'