Ram Charan and Kiara Advani starrer political drama Game Changer has not received a go-ahead from Telangana Government on Benefit Shows. The government rejected the request for a benefit show at enhanced rates but only allowed extra Shows. The film is set to release on January 10.

However, the Telangana Government has approved increased ticket rates and additional showtimes for the upcoming film. On the film’s release date, a sixth show will be permitted at 4:00 am, with multiplexes allowed to charge an additional Rs 150 (including GST) per ticket, while single-screen theatres can charge an extra Rs 100 (including GST) per ticket.

From the next day onwards from January 11 to January 19, theatres will be able to screen five shows daily, with multiplexes charging an additional Rs 100 and single theatres Rs 50 per ticket.