Malayalam film 'Aadujeevitham' (The Goat Life) has been nominated for an Outstanding Achievement in Sound Editing – Feature International category at the 72nd Golden Reel Awards. Directed by Blessy the film features Prithviraj Sukumaran in the lead role which is based on the 2008 best-selling novel Aadujeevitham by Benyamin.

The sound for the film has been Supervised by Sound Editors Vijaykumar Mahadevaiah, and Resul Pookutty Sound Effects editor Arun Rana, and foley artists Andriy Ryzhov, Ruslan Shebistyi, Andriy Starikovskiy, Bogdan Zavarzin have been nominated for the award. Mahadevaiah also serves as Foley's editor.

Sound Editor Resul Pookutty reacted to the nomination in an X post on Tuesday, writing, "It gives me immense pleasure to let you all know that myself and @vijaycanaries are nominated at the 72nd #goldenreelawards at #MPSE of America for our work in the film #TheGoatLife. Thank you for letting us fly @DirectorBlessy @arrahman @PrithviOfficial (sic)" the Oscar winner wrote.

The Golden Reel Awards will take place in Los Angeles on February 23. Organised by the Motion Picture Sound Editors (MPSE), the awards aim to honour outstanding achievement in sound editing, sound design, music editing and foley artistry in 20 categories spanning film, television and video games.