Boney Kapoor has backed some of the most successful films in Bollywood including Mr. India, Raat, Company, Wanted and many more. The veteran is now venturing into new territory that is acting. While he initially had jitters and said a flat no to director Luv Ranjan, his daughters and family wouldn’t let him go off such a fabulous opportunity. Kapoor said, “Luv Ranjan wanted me to work in the film as Ranbir’s father and insisted that he had written the role keeping my personality in mind. He flattered me, though I wasn’t sure if he really meant it or not (laughs). I was still not sure, so after hearing him out, I conveyed my decision to not do the film. There were logistic issues too, as they required me to shoot for some 25-30 days, an it would have been impossible for me, as I travel for work in Chennai, Mumbai and even Hyderabad. Eventually, Luv split my 25-day shoot over a span of 50 days and promised me three breaks.” 


Boney further added, “I was yet not sure, but then, my kids and brothers pushed me into it. I am glad, I did it because I worked with a very good unit. Luv Ranjan is mini-Asif (K. Asif). Ranbir is a fantastic actor, Dimple is a fantastic co-star. There are some newcomers too, like the lady who is playing my mother – she is full of life and a fine actor. There’s also a kid, who is great. Then there’s a girl who plays my daughter, it’s her first film too. We have a bunch of fine actors, and the only question mark is Boney Kapoor. Let’s hope, I come across decently.” The untitled rom-com also stars Ranbir Kapoor and Shraddha Kapoor in the lead along with Dimple Kapadia.