Actor Vikas Shukla, who was last seen in Jubilee, is all set to reunite with his Raazi co-star Vicky Kaushal in Meghna Gulzar's Sam Bahadur, a biopic based on the life of Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw.

Talking about how he landed the role, Vikas said, "I played a small role in film Raazi of a raw agent ka. Meghna ma’am remembered me from there and 5 years later she called me to test for this role. I think no work goes wasted and it helps you to fetch another work. So she tested me for elder brother (Fali) of Sam Manekshaw (Vicky Kaushal) and that's how I landed into the role."

Describing his experience reuniting with Meghna Gulzar, he said, "She is absolutely an amazing human and a passionate filmmaker as all we know. Her body of work is just beyond the word. She is very specific about the characters looks and their appearance. Sam Bahadur is period drama based on Sam Manekshaw, so you can understand what kind of research and preparation it required. Even I was called for multiple times for the look test even though I had small portion there. So you can imagine."

Describing his experience reuniting with Meghna Gulzar, he said, "She is absolutely an amazing human and a passionate filmmaker as all we know. Her body of work is just beyond the word. She is very specific about the characters looks and their appearance. Sam Bahadur is period drama based on Sam Manekshaw, so you can understand what kind of research and preparation it required. Even I was called for multiple times for the look test even though I had small portion there. So you can imagine."

On the work front, Vikas also has Baramulla with Manav Kaul and Incomplete Man with Sharib Hashmi.