Red Lorry Film Festival will be held in Mumbai and Hyderabad from March 21 to 23. The festival's Second Edition Jury panel has been unveiled, which includes the filmmakers Vikramaditya Motwane and Ashwiny Iyer Tiwari among others.

Curated by BookMyShow the Festival was first held in April 2024. The second edition will showcase 120 titles across languages, genres and cultures. Alongside Motwane and Tiwari, the jury also includes writer-director Atul Sabharwal, author Kaveree Bamzai, actor Prachee Shah Pandya, Sanjeev Kumar Bijli, Executive Director of PVR-INOX Cinemas and the Co-Founder of PVR Cinemas and Ashish Hemrajani, founder and CEO of BookMyShow