Bollywood actress Parineeti Chopra came, saw and conquered. She has some impeccable body of work to showcase. From Hasee Toh Phasee to Saina, the talented actress has bit perfectly into her meaty roles! The actress now desires to back meaningful content and sell it just on her name. Speaking of that, the ‘Girl On The Train’ actress said, “I do want to produce, and I want to do that because I feel that many times there is a struggle for actresses to get the kind of budgets, stories or casting that they sometimes need for their project. Of course, that is understandable because right now, the kind of collections that these sorts of projects garner demand that they have to be made at a certain budget.”


Chopra further adds, “I have wanted to create a name for myself as someone who can sell a film on my own name. The process has started with films like Saina, Sandeep Aur Pinky Faraar and The Girl On The Train, and that is the extension that I want to take into production. I think this year, I will definitely be thinking about it because I want to back content that is a little more out there and the kind of stuff that is not being made right now.” 


Speaking of having more female producers in Bollywood, Parineeti said, “At one point, the artistes and creators including producers, writers, lyricists, music directors and cinematographers were mostly men. Of course, they were very talented, but I think it is beautiful that now there are more female lyricists, writers, directors and producers... this is like an entirely new chapter of the workforce that has come into the industry. Obviously, it cannot be denied that amazing creativity will come out of it. We will have such rounded, beautiful scripts because women will bring in their own experiences and perspective. Women can write from a different point of view, similarly, female producers can think in a different way than male producers. It’s great that women are now so beautifully included in an industry that was at one point male-dominated.” On the work front, Parineeti will next be seen in the Ranbir Kapoor starrer Animal and later in Sooraj Barjatya’s Uunchai.