Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty has always advocated the need for a fit mind and body. Her posts on social media are full of health related advice, exercise videos and other interesting stuff. Lately the actress’s family went through a tough time battling the covid virus themselves. Taking to Twitter the ‘Apne’ actress reminded everyone, “To be able to stay united and help each other, we need to be gentle with ourselves. Prioritise what needs and deserves your attention before everything else. Please don't neglect your health, your food, your sleep, or even your water intake.” 


Shetty added, “When you feel everything around you is overwhelming; straighten your back, release your tongue hitting the roof of your mouth, and loosen your shoulders. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. You can ensure everyone around you is okay only when you are okay. #MondayMotivation.” 


On the work front, Shilpa will next be seen making her Bollywood comeback after a long break in the upcoming comedy Nikamma and Hungama 2.