Bollywood actress Sanya Malhotra started her acting career at a tender age with Aamir Khan’s Dangal. The actress not only managed to capture the audiences’ attention but also went on to sign some interesting content thereafter. The talented actress who was last seen in the film Meenakshi Sundareshwar opposite Abhimanyu Dassani, is still enjoying the praises from her performance. One in particular that stayed with her was a text from filmmaker Karan Johar. The actress said, “A text from Karan was really special. He texted me after watching the film and that really made my day.”


Sanya’s last couple of releases including the critically acclaimed Pagglait have released on the OTT platform. The actress however is yet to do a web show. Commenting on that she said, “I would love to do a web series. Hope someone makes an Indian version of the web show ‘Succession’, I would definitely be interested in doing it.” Meanwhile, there are rumors that Sanya might be a part of Atlee’s upcoming film starring Shah Rukh Khan. The film is also said to feature a number of top Bollywood as well as South stars. The film will be a game changer for Malhotra, if she has bagged it. The actress however has refused to comment if she has been offered the film or not!