Makers of the upcoming Bollywood period drama Panipat, have unveiled the first look of veteran actress Zeenat Aman as Sakina Begum. The actress will be seen on the silver screen after a long haitus from movies and looks ethereal in gold attire with beautiful jewelry. The film stars Arjun Kapoor, Kriti Sanon and Sanjay Dutt in leading roles.The film also stars veteran actress Padmini Kolhapure as Gopika Bai, while Mohnish Bahl plays Nana Saheb Peshwa.


Arjun Kapoor shared Zeenat Aman’s picture on his social media account and captioned it, “Sakina Begum - Friends can be found in the darkest of places. #PanipatLook.” The film is directed by Ashutosh Gowariker and produced by Sunita Gowariker and Rohit Shelatkar. The film will hit the big screens on 6th December 2019.