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Production: | Channel: Star Plus

Released On - 23 Apr 2007     6:30 PM - 7:00 PM     Monday To Friday
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Kasturi Chawla, a young woman from a middle-class family, is the focus of the drama Kasturi. Following her graduation from college, she starts working for spoiled, snobby, but wildly successful rock musician Robbie Sabharwal. Due to the disparity in their social classes, morality, and ideals, Robbie and Kasturi instantly dislike one another. Raunak (Jatin Shah), Robbie's closest pal, becomes friends with Kasturi and exhibits respect for and understanding of her worldview. Robbie and Kasturi begin to grow in love as they spend more time together, and finally they reveal their feelings. Their romance is short-lived since Robbie mistakenly thinks Kasturi is having an extramarital affair with Raunak. Raunak makes a proposal to Kasturi after Robbie and Kasturi break up, and after some initial hesitation, she agrees. The day of their nuptials,