Bollywood filmmaker Aditya Chopra is known to be camera shy and has eluded the paps for years. But when it comes to supporting the nation in times of a huge crisis, the Chopra scion has come out guns a blazing with his generous side. The Dhoom 3 filmmaker has cancelled the grand celebration of Yash Raj Studios’ 50 years completion in the industry and redirected the funds in starting a kitchen. The latter will provide meals to frontline workers and quarantine centres around Mumbai city. 


Aditya Chopra has previously provided financial aid to industry workers with direct benefit transfers of Rs 5000 to women and senior citizens. He also gave ration kits to daily wage earners in the industry. Getting the film industry back on its feet and supporting the people in dark times is of prime importance to the filmmaker. We need more compassionate and generous people like these in this world.