Megastar Amitabh Bachchan and Anupam Kher starrer 'Uunchai' is all set to hit the screens on November 11, 2022. On Sunday, the makers released Parineeti Chopra's character poster from the film on social media. Now, Parineeti Chopra's good friend and her first co-star Arjun Kapoor shared Parineeti's first look on Instagram and penned a lovely note.  He wrote, "he was my first co-star, she was my first heroine and this is her first #Rajshri film. This is to all the beautiful firsts. This one is for you Pari! With all heart, I bring to you, my dear friend Parineeti as Shraddha Gupta from #Uunchai!

A special film by Sooraj Barjatya. See you at the movies on 11.11.22 Love and luck to Team Uunchai!" Reacting to Arjun's post, Parineeti took to her Instagram stories and wrote, "Arjun launching my first look from Uunchai is one of those ‘moments’ in our friendship and in our life. In this insecure world, people don’t do that. This is a core memory that I will cherish forever. Sometimes in this crazy career, a gesture like this can make you smile, really smile from within. Love you baba. You are the best. Baaki sab phone pe (rest everything over call)"