While, Kiran Rao’s Hindi drama Laapataa Ladies which was India’s official entry to the Oscars, failed to make the shortlist of 15 movies to have competed for the big prize, Surya's Kanguva which received negative reviews for its execution, has shocked the audiences as it joins 6 other Indian films as Oscar 2025 contenders.

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences recently revealed the names of 323 films eligible films for the Oscars this year, out of which 207 movies met the eligibility criteria for the Best Picture category. Apart from Kanguva, other films in the running for nominations are Girls Will Be Girls, Santosh, Swatantrya Veer Savarkar, All We Imagine as Light, Putul and Aadujeevitham: The Goat Life. The Oscars will be held on March 02, 2025, at the Dolby Theatre in Ovation Hollywood., United States.