After impressing the audience with his stellar performances in the Hindi film industry, actor Ashok Samarth is all set to showcase his acting prowess in his upcoming historical film 'Sarsenapati Prataprao Gujar'. The film 'Ravarambh' is already in discussion about its posters. To keep the excitement going, recently, the makers of the film unveiled a character poster of Marathi star, Ashok Samarth as 'Sarsenapati Prataprao Gujar'.

Ashok Samarth is looking dapper in his character of 'Sarsenapati Prataprao Gujar' in the poster. 'Ravarambh' revolves around the life of Ravarambh Nimbalkar - a brave and kind warrior - who dreams of Swaraj with Shivaji Maharaj and his life and love journey is shown in detail, leading to the outcome. The film is scheduled to release on April 7, 2022.