Dharma Productions, which is backing both Ranbir Kapoor-Alia Bhatt starrer Brahmastra and Varun Dhawan-Kiara Advani starrer Jug Jugg Jeeyo will be giving fans a double treat. While Ayan Mukerji’s magnum opus trailer was unveiled yesterday, fans couldn’t stop gushing about the visual extravaganza. They can now enjoy the magnificent VFX filled trailer in theatres, as it will be attached with the soon to release Jug Jugg Jeeyo. 

Being from the same production, films are using this unique strategy to gain more eyeballs for their films as well as trailers. Recently Akshay Kumar starrer YRF’s Samrat Prithviraj trailer was also attached to prints of Jayeshbhai Jordaar.

Meanwhile Brahmastra will release on 9th September and also stars Amitabh Bachchan, Mouni Roy and Nagarjuna. Jug Jugg Jeeyo also stars Anil Kapoor and Neetu Kapoor.