Raveena Tandon's daughter Rasha Thadani also makes a lot of headlines among her fans like her mother. Rasha's pictures and videos keep getting viral on the internet. Rasha is also going to debut in Bollywood soon. Now news is coming that Rasha may soon make her Bollywood debut with Abhishek Kapoor's film. So let's know what is the whole matter.

For a long time, Rasha was spotted having lunch with Abhishek Kapoor. Not only this, later she was also seen leaving the director's office. Now it is confirmed that Rasha will debut with director Abhishek Kapoor's film. Rasha's Ajay Devgn's nephew Aman Devgan will also debut in this film.

It is being told that this film will be directed by Abhishek Kapoor and it will be an action-adventure film. It will be released in theatres on February 9, 2024. The title of this film has not been revealed yet. The film is being produced by Ronnie Screwvala and Pragya. Raveena's fans are also eagerly waiting for her daughter's debut.

Before Rasha's Bollywood debut, Abhishek Kapoor launched Sara Ali Khan in Bollywood with the film 'Kedarnath'. Sara is included in the list of top Bollywood actresses today. Now it has to be seen that when Rasha comes in films, what a blast she will create. Rasha is also working hard for her debut.

Let us tell you that Rasha has recently graduated from high school. She was studying at Dhirubhai Ambani International School in Mumbai. Her mother and actress Raveena shared pictures of Rasha's graduation ceremony on social media. The fans were also congratulating Rasha fiercely.