The highly anticipated trailer for the Hindi feature film A Real Encounter was launched with great excitement at IMPPA House in Mumbai. The event was graced by the presence of Mushtaq Khan, Himaayat Alam Ali, and Anil Nagrath. The film is produced by Pradip Churiwal under the MacNeil Engineering Limited banner and directed by Sabir Shaikh. Prasenjit Chakraborty serves as the line producer, and Balakrishna Srivastav of Aone Cine Creations is handling the distribution. Shahbaz Khan stars in the film as an encounter specialist.

A Real Encounter boasts a stellar ensemble cast, including Shahbaz Khan, Ehsan Khan, Mushtaq Khan, Raza Murad, Ali Khan, Himaayat Alam Ali, Akhilesh Verma, Bratuti Ganguly, Anil Nagrath, Rakesh Pujara, Sangeeta Singh, Rishikesh Tiwari, Amrit Dujari, and Kaleem Akhtar. The story is written by Pradip Churiwal. The trailer has been well-received, with impactful dialogues, including one that stands out: No one knows who will conduct whose encounter next. Raza Murad’s powerful line, This encounter is fake, also makes a strong impact.

The film centers on the story of a girl named Muskaan and her controversial encounter, raising the question of whether Muskaan was innocent. Audiences will have to watch the film to find out.

In addition to Hindi, A Real Encounter will also be released in Gujarati. Director Sabir Shaikh shared that the film is set against a backdrop in Gujarat and is inspired by a real-life encounter that occurred in the state. The film includes a courtroom drama but sets itself apart from movies like Jolly LLB. It delves into the challenges faced by policemen who carry out encounters, highlighting that they often act under orders and face immense pressure from their superiors. The film also features an item song.

When asked about the social message of the film, the director emphasized the importance of parents being aware of their children’s activities and who they associate with, ensuring that they are not being led astray.