Bollywood sensation Ananya Panday, who made her debut in the industry with Student of the Year 2, has since stolen the hearts of audiences with movies like Gehraiyaan, Pati Patni Aur Woh, and Liger. Now, as she embarks on a new adventure with the upcoming OTT project 'Call Me Bae,' she has taken to social media to share her emotional farewell to the set.
In 'Call Me Bae,' Ananya Panday takes on the lead role of a billionaire fashionista. The young actress, known for her acting effortless charm, has been eagerly awaiting her time on the set, and her latest project 'Dream Girl 2,' featuring Ayushmann Khurrana, has only heightened her enthusiasm for her next big role.
Ananya Panday's Instagram Announcement
Just recently, the talented starlet thrilled her fans by revealing that she is on the verge of completing the shooting for 'Call Me Bae.' Ananya chose to share this exciting milestone via her Instagram story, accompanied by a captivating picture from the set. In the heartfelt caption, she wrote, " #CallMeBae, From day 05 to day 55 all the feels for our last day tomorrow."
Unveiling Ananya Panday's Passion for Acting
In an insightful interview with Mid-Day, Ananya Panday opened up about her lifelong dream of becoming an actress. The talented young actress reminisced about her childhood dreams of stardom, imagining herself on the silver screen, dancing to Bollywood tunes. As she embarked on her journey in the film industry, her love for acting grew stronger. She shared her commitment to evolving as a performer and becoming the best version of herself for her adoring fans.
The starlet has been riding high on the success of her recent project 'Dream Girl 2.' Starring opposite Ayushmann Khurrana, the film has taken the OTT platform Netflix by storm, leaving fans thrilled with its release.
Beyond 'Call Me Bae,' Ananya Panday's schedule is brimming with exciting projects. She is set to captivate the audience in 'Kho Gaye Hum Kahan,' adding another feather to her illustrious cap. With her unparalleled talent and dedication, Ananya is unquestionably an actress to watch out for in the Indian entertainment industry.
As Ananya Panday wraps up her journey with 'Call Me Bae,' fans are eager to witness her stellar performance in this new OTT offering. Her passion for acting and commitment to delivering quality entertainment continues to make her a standout figure in Bollywood. With 'Kho Gaye Hum Kahan' on the horizon, it's clear that Ananya's journey is just beginning, and we can't wait to see where it takes her next. Stay tuned for more updates on this rising star's exciting career!
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